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8 POWERful Success Laws to Defy Gravity and Rise Beyond Your Circumstances

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By Dr. Z.

Successful people have mastered powered flight.  This is particularly true about individuals that had to overcome tremendous life difficulties in order to become successful.   Such people have had to access a source of power to push past their limitations in order to take flight.  In the spirit of success, powered flight is defined as the capacity to successfully reach higher levels in your personal and professional life while ever climbing.  In order to remain in the air and maintain flight, flyers must overcome gravity, which is a Newtonian natural force that keeps objects grounded on earth.   Simply put, gravity dictates that everything that rises eventually falls to the ground due to gravitational force. With regard to success, people who fail to succeed tend to follow an all too familiar set of laws the prevent them from flying high toward success.  We have listed the following 12 laws of gravity designed to keep your life grounded and unsuccessful:

  1. If you aim too high, then you will eventually fall
  2. You cannot do what has never been done.
  3. You cannot achieve the impossible
  4. You cannot rise beyond your circumstances
  5. You are no better than the company you keep.
  6. What goes up must come down
  7. Don’t be high and mighty
  8. Stay in your place.
  9. Get off your high horse.
  10. Be realistic
  11. Stop dreaming
  12. Be more grounded

Avoid these rules, for they perpetuate mediocrity and failure.  Such rules will keep you grounded and prevent you from reaching for success.  The aim of this article is to provide 7 laws of success that will not only defy the laws of gravity, but will also EMPOWER you beyond your current life circumstances.  These laws are presented below:

Dream Big

Successful people dream big.  There is no limit to your imagination, which is one of the most potent sources of your power.  Imagination is what separates our species from the lower animals.  It gives us the capacity to dream the kind of dreams that created fire, harnessed electricity, built the automobile, achieved powered flight, put men on the moon, and connected the world with the internet.  Whenever you are told to get real and stop dreaming, ignore it, defy gravity, and dream BIG.

Aim High

When successful people set goals, they aim high.  In fact, they aim for the impossible.  They may establish smaller objectives toward those goals, but the ultimate standards are set high.   That is the lesson here.  You can defy gravity by setting your goals and standards high.  Aim for the stars and stay there.  If you have a high-stakes exam to pass, do not just aim for a passing score, aim for the 99th percentile.  If you want to fly through the stratosphere, aim for galactic heavens.   Right this very moment, think of something impossible that you have always wanted to do, then write down high goals to achieve this feat.   In essence most of the technology that we enjoy today was considered impossible only 2 generations ago.   Today we can fly in planes that move at almost 7 times the speed of sound, send a text letter to someone in fractions of a second, use electrical devices without wires, and see through solid objects using energy.  You too can defy gravity and achieve the impossible by aiming high.

Be Bold

Some people have aerophobia, wherein they are afraid to fly.  Other people have acrophobia which involves an intense fear of heights.  In either situation, these individuals are not likely to fly high.    Much in the way that it takes courage to fly, it takes boldness to defy gravity and reach for success.  This is twice as true for people who have had to overcome a difficult life.  Unfortunately, people often do not succeed because they are afraid to rock the boat, break from the norm, or get out of their comfort zones.  They start to believe that they need to stay in their place and follow the insanely rigid rules that have been set for them.  We have a better idea for you.  Be bold, and do not be afraid to step out of line.  Climb into the cockpit of success and fly.  We believe that anyone who can walk can learn to defy gravity and fly, no matter what their life circumstances are.  It just requires courage.  Do not be afraid to try new ideas, explore new regions, advance unprecedented agendas, accomplish revised goals, create ground-breaking procedures, and to be different

Leap with Faith

Speaking of the courage to fly, you cannot fly unless you take the leap of faith.  This is the first source of power that you need for your powered flight toward success.  In this regard, it is not enough to jump from a ledge and hope to fly.   You must jump with confidence knowing that you will fly.  The lesson here is simple and two-fold.   First, do not be afraid to leap.  Second, leap with faith in God or a power higher than yourself.   Know that no matter what happens or what you have been through, you will fly toward your goals, without fail.

Take Flight

Anyone who wants to overcome their life circumstance and succeed must take flight.  The key word here is “take” as it connotes a degree of control and discipline in your endeavor.  When taking flight, a pilot must steer an aircraft on the runway, monitor the takeoff, manage the flight ascent, navigate the flight path, and maneuver the aircraft in the air.  Much in the same way, successful people must investigate a career path, engage in training to obtain knowledge, monitor their progress along the way, navigate through difficult professional experiences, and maintain their success while aiming for new goals.   If you want to defy gravity, change your life, and succeed, you must not only have the courage and faith to leap, you must take flight.

Power your Flight

Once you take flight in your life, you must obtain the power to maintain your flight.  In other words, you need resources to keep your success going and never fall.    Before we further explain, we have to distinguish flying from gliding.  Flying takes place when the flyer uses continuous power to overcome gravity in order to remain in the air and climb higher.  This is powered flight.  This is different from gliding, during which flight may be initially achieved, but there is a graceful, but inevitable descent toward the ground because of the absence of power source to keep the flyer in the air.   In this regard, wings alone are not enough.  Airplanes cannot fly without engines, and winged creatures cannot fly without wing motion.  In the same way, a gliding person may appear to succeed when starting a venture, but eventually experiences a slow decline in success.  On the other hand, a successful person uses powered flight.  When they take off, they soar upward, never to touch the ground again.  They never return to poverty, never return to abusive relationships, never return to employers who do not respect them, and never look back into a past life of pain and despair.  They move forward and climb higher by flying upward.  And, they do this using power sources such as faith in God, social support, knowledge and skills, finances and material resources, confidence, and new goals.

Be a Frequent Flyer

Serial success requires frequent flying.  Do not just fly once, fly often.   Successful people are frequent flyers.  The defy the odds of gravity again an again.   They are always reaching new heights by setting new goals,  developing new ideas, learning new secrets, meeting new people, networking at multiple events, starting new businesses, and opening new streams of income.  They never stop flying.  This is our advice for you.  Be a frequent flyer, and defy gravity again and again with one success after another.

Bend the Rules

Last, you cannot defy gravity without bending the rules.  Birds, bats, insects, and aircraft do not necessarily break the rules of gravity.  Instead, nature and engineers have simply found ways to use wind, anatomical structure, power, other physical laws of science to bend the rules in order to achieve flight.  In this spirit, you can bend, or maybe outright break, the gravity rules that you learned in life.  Do not believe that your friends and family dictate your destiny.  The greatest individuals who have ever changed the world did so by EMPOWERing the poor and downtrodden (e.g. Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, & Jesus Christ).  Disregard the notion that you must remain “down-to-earth” or that success is a stuffy goal for the high and mighty.  Move past the rules of gravity that less successful people try to impose on you.  Bend the rules, and fly.

Featured image by Viktor Forgacs  on Unsplash


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